2022 Monaco F1 Grand Prix

04 Jul 22 02:06 CST
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# Name Car Total Race Time Num Laps Best Lap Average Clean Lap Collisions Ping
1 HK51 P1 Subaru Impreza WRX STi GC8 00:03:55.646 2 laps / 2 cuts 277:46:39.999
Tyre: ?
00:00.000 6 11 - 12
2 HK51 P1 Honda Integra DC2R 00:04:05.503 2 laps / 2 cuts 02:04.391
Tyre: SM
00:00.000 6 11 - 13
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed (Km/h) Relative Position World Position Time Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 20.6 X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.5 X: -308.7 Y: -10.2 Z: -15.7 02:01:06 (CST)
2 Collision with environment 4.9 X: 0.9 Y: 0.4 Z: -1.1 X: -292.1 Y: -8.7 Z: -16.7 02:01:07 (CST)
3 Collision with environment 6.1 X: -0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: -2.0 X: -290.4 Y: -14.9 Z: 29.5 02:02:22 (CST)
4 Collision with environment 32.5 X: 0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.3 X: -264.0 Y: -16.1 Z: 251.0 02:02:27 (CST)
5 Collision with environment 13.1 X: -0.8 Y: 0.0 Z: -2.0 X: -281.8 Y: -16.1 Z: 358.9 02:02:36 (CST)
6 Collision with environment 2.1 X: 0.9 Y: -0.2 Z: -2.0 X: -296.9 Y: -9.3 Z: -16.3 02:03:06 (CST)
7 Collision with environment 6.4 X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: 1.5 X: 398.2 Y: -9.7 Z: -428.3 02:03:51 (CST)
8 Collision with environment 19.4 X: -0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: -2.4 X: -295.4 Y: -15.0 Z: 38.0 02:04:26 (CST)
9 Collision with environment 15.0 X: 0.8 Y: 0.3 Z: 0.7 X: -265.9 Y: -15.9 Z: 241.1 02:04:31 (CST)
10 Collision with environment 42.0 X: 0.7 Y: -0.0 Z: 1.8 X: -307.1 Y: -9.9 Z: -15.7 02:04:52 (CST)
11 Collision with environment 20.5 X: -0.9 Y: 0.2 Z: 1.3 X: 190.7 Y: 23.6 Z: -181.9 02:05:12 (CST)
12 Collision with environment 23.3 X: -0.8 Y: 0.2 Z: -2.1 X: 170.7 Y: 24.7 Z: -231.2 02:05:17 (CST)
Car Env Rel
2022 Monaco F1 Grand Prix 2022 Monaco F1 Grand Prix collisions

There were no penalties in this session.

1st nicholas in HK51 P1 Subaru Impreza WRX STi GC8
Best: 277:46:39.999, Potential: 00:00.000
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 1 02:01.607 00:35.635 00:47.416 00:38.556 1 SM
2 1 01:52.691 00:32.002 00:43.047 00:37.642 1 SM
2nd DennisYMB in HK51 P1 Honda Integra DC2R
Best: 02:04.391, Potential: 02:04.391
Lap # Race Position Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 2 02:04.391
0 SM
2 2 01:59.765 00:32.421 00:48.937 00:38.407 2 SM