Hakone Outbound!A Wmmt5 TougeCSP neededv2.0 news:-CSP grass!-Autumn and winter skins-Now compatible with ai drivers-New TV cams and AI lanes for Inbound/Outbound-Animated trees-Ambient sound-Added pits and starts-Increased scale-Improved lamps lightings-Improved/Fixed materials-Fixed lamps positions-Fixed jumps (softened)WMMT5 Official Track description:Course Layout [Outbound]:You need good technique for this roller coaster-like course, with its intermittent low speed curves and steep ups and downs.As your tuning improves, you will need to improve your car control to keep up.It's normal to focus on handling tuning, but it's really satisfying to all out for power-focused tuning!Extraction/Conversion from WMMT5 楽しい !
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